2G Competition. Venice Lagoon Park
The design of a programmed open space goes from impotence to euphoria. On one hand you have before your eyes an opportunity for the city with an unthinkable dimension for any other kind of intervention, but its program needs generate a big tension between the available free space and its closeness through any determined and prefixed use.
With the intention of combining both natures, free movement and events with an exhaustive equipment specialization needed for the citizens, we approach proposals such as Bernard Tschumi’s for the Parisian park La Villete, in which those “event attractors” give order to the space through proximity, generating different events within a regular quadrangular grid activating the whole park.
Para Venecia y el parque de la laguna, hemos intentado que esta táctica proyectual evolucione hacia lo que se ha denominado una «retícula inexacta», una condición geométrica aleatoria que mantiene dentro de la fuerza de las formas euclidianas cada programa diferente que va dando vida al espacio libre; dejando zonas sin definición que permiten la interpretación tanto por parte del visitante como de las autoridades del parque, y dando cabida así a eventos no organizados, quizá ni siquiera imaginados, ni para el primero ni para las segundas.
Choosing the circle as the inaccurate grid generating unit is crucial, because it is a geometry that imposes a centre and so a reference. Moreover, the impossibility to make fit exactly a grid made by circles provides the not programmed gaps that will be exploited afterwards as unexpected opportunity spaces.